Friday, March 7, 2014

All Hail Friday!

Jumpin' on the Friday Link-up bandwagon today. I always want to, but Fridays are my long days so. Normally think about it too late, or get home too late actually do it. But, I planned this one out last night! (smart planning girl, that one is!) High Five for Friday!
This Week:
5 Words:
Two Dogs Are Too Many!
5 Thoughts:
#What is up with this weather?!
#Friendship can be a huge responsibility sometimes, accepting that it's out of your hands and you need to get help for your friend is even more difficult.
# I HATE dealing with my car.
#My first half-marathon is SUNDAY!! Woot! woot!
#Lent is upon us... I forget that lent is even coming every year until I see the ashes on everyone's foreheads. This also means, daylight savings happens this weekend!!
5 Posts I Wrote:
* FLASHBACK: Grateful.
5 Posts I Read:
~ 18 months. Because he's the sweetest.
~ Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Because I forgot Lent was coming until I was at work on Wednesday (sorry Popsie!).
~ A screaming mind and boiling blood. Because we all need to let it out sometimes.
~Big Soft M&M cookies. Because these are yum.
~The reason I foster. Because puppies are cute.
5 Things to Check Out:
/ PositiveMed: Unrealistic Expectations
/ Confessions of a Shopaholic (3rd completed book of the year!)
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1 comment:

  1. What is up with this weather!! It snowed today but will be 60 tomorrow! Hmm!! I'm hosting a link up and would love if you would come link up with me today!
