Tuesday, September 10, 2013


I've been putting this post off because I knew writing it would start the waterworks. The past couple months have been emotionally draining, to say the least. I am not typically an emotional girl, I normally keep it to myself and deal with it on my own time. But it hasn't been as easy with the pile-up that happened this summer. I've even started tearing up at work and while I'm driving.

I am so incredibly grateful though.

I am grateful for LOVE. For my family and friends and Stella Bear and all of the people who make me smile on a regular basis.

I am grateful for HEALTH. For fruits and veggies, for hot yoga, sunshine, and just being able to function daily.

I am grateful for RESPONSIBILITY. For work and school and my internship and having bills to pay and things that have to get done.

I am grateful for GRACE. I work at a restaurant, one of the most popular in the Ballantyne area of Charlotte. I'm a server and I've been with the company for 4 years now. People never expect restaurants to give back to their employees because there is such a huge turnover rate. But the restaurant I work at is different. When I had to go home for the second funeral this summer, they actually helped me out financially, They gave me what I would've made working that weekend and more. I cried because I couldn't have been any more grateful. I've never had the luxury of going home for an emergency and not having to worry about how I'd afford to leave for the whole weekend. I am so grateful to work for a company that cares about their employees.

and finally, I am grateful for PATIENCE. There are a few people in my life that have been more patient with me the past few months then I deserve. I am so grateful for having shoulders to cry on, knowing someone will always be there, movie nights that involve too much sugar, people who notice when I'm not eating because of stress (the food police), and friends that won' let me spend too much time alone.

What are you grateful for?
Have you ever been given something that you needed so much that you were speechless?

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