Saturday, March 1, 2014

March First!!

Whoooaa! This year is flying by already! I have high hopes for March, mostly because I'm feeling a bazillion times better today... I mostly stayed in bed until almost 3 this afternoon. But my sinus headache has subsided, I can breathe through both nostrils, and my throat is no longer swollen! Big strides.
Should we talk about some goals for the month:
**STAY HEALTHY. That's clearly going to be my main goal.
** I must get my car straightened out, next week. Inspection, registration, windshield, etc. just do it!
**I also have a ton of bills to pay, and I'm super far behind from being sick a lot this month, so I may have to skip a few races (booooo) but I'm going to try really hard to get to them all and deal with my financial situation.
**File Taxes! I've been avoiding this because I'm afraid of how much I'm going to owe state. But this is another thing I just need to do.
** Spring cleaning, I've done a good job starting, but every time I get sick, I need to start over (I hate that feeling that the sick bug is lurking in my home)
**I need to get in touch with the school... I still haven't received my diploma, but I have officially graduated, I think it may have just went to the wrong address... Maybe I need to write about those "growing up" responsibilities you avoid like the plague.
*** Review of yearly goals thus far, time to see where I stand.
Health and Fitness.
** STAY HEALTHY. Oh did I already say this? But really, this has been my biggest struggle so far this year, I cannot afford to be at the doctor every two weeks. It's killing me.
**I actually have 4 races scheduled for this month... I'm excited and nervous and worried because I haven't been running as much as I should be. My races this month include 2 5ks, and 10 miler and my first half marathon.
**Get back to yoga! I have been sick and tired and have been using it as an excuse to not make it to yoga, or volunteering or anything else. Now that I feel my energy level is getting back to normal, I'm going to get back on track.
** What I'd most like is to be able to register for the rest of my races
** Get my hair cut again
** Finally send my wish-list to my family (my dad still owes me Christmas/Birthday/Graduation gifts).
** I am making I a movie this month. It's happening. In the past year I've seen: Frozen... with the girls I babysit, and that's it... It's time to see a movie.
** Going to hit some golf balls with a guy friend.
** Best Friend Night! This I a night full of wine and laughter and happiness and it is finally happening on Monday!!
Job Hunt
** I am waiting to hear about a job that I really want, but I've learned that it's not a good idea to put all of your eggs in one basket. I'm planning to apply for at least 3 jobs a week. More if I find more, it's harder to find jobs I qualify for, but am not complete over qualified for.
** I'm also contemplating changing around part-time jobs while I'm on the hunt. I've just hot a wall at my current job... It's time for me to get out whether it's a career position or not.
** I have an extensive list of things I want to blog about this month.
** This includes a couple of link-ups, a few ideas for regular posts (the bi-weekly wine-o! Are you ready??), and few other posts I've been putting off for a while.
Do you have big goals for March??
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