Monday, January 26, 2015

New Schedule?? Day 1.

Today was the first day of my new schedule. I am trying to get myself into a better routine which seems to be a lifelong struggle for me. I'm not ready to tell you too much about it yet because I think I'll need to make some modifications that fit the needs of my work day. However, I can tell you this, while I am tired and it has been a busy day, I do not feel exhausted to the point of tears nor was I too weak to go for a run tonight, make myself dinner, or do some chores. Which is a win for me! Part of my daily routine from now on is to record daily "wins". I'm hopefully going to add it to my blogging.
Wins for today:
*I went in to work a little late because I was the manager yesterday (I love to sleep in!)
*I spent time with God's word.
*Olive Garden dressing (nommmmm)
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1 comment:

  1. I definitely think focusing on the "wins" of the day is a great way to start in a new routine! I think we often forget the good things that happen over the course of the day - no matter how little they are - because we're so worn out by the end. It's definitely important to keep them in mind!
    ~ Samantha
