Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Do Something that's Good for your Heart and Soul.

Day 5: Do Something that's Good for your Heart and Soul.

I've realized that some days I feel the happiest, and the healthiest when I'm giving my time and energy to a cause greater than my own. Recently, the two things that have made my heart and soul the happiest have been volunteering (at the children's hospital every Saturday morning) and going to Church more regularly.
I realize that church may not be on EVERYBODY'S priority list, and that's okay there are other things that can fit into this category. But for me, it's there. When I get to go regularly I feel the most content, believe in myself the most, and I feel the most at ease when life starts throwing me curve balls. Unfortunately, the server-life doesn't allow me to go as often as I'd like, but when I get to go multiple weeks in a row my heart is content and the love I feel from the service never leaves me.
Volunteering makes me happy. If volunteers were paid... well, they wouldn't be volunteers then would they? But if they were I would make it my full time job. I love helping people in need. I love giving my time for good and putting smiles on people's faces and I wish I could make it my career and actually be able o live off of it.
What makes your Heart and Soul happy??

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