Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Weekly Wishes 1

I am linking up for the first time with the Nectar Collective for Weekly Wishes!

The Nectar Collective
I chose the baby, baby Stella picture for the "happiness" theme this week, because I get to have my Stella Bear back, finally after 7 weeks without her and I cannot wait!
Wishes this week: 1.Move-in to the new, unplanned apartment. I'm excited now that I got the approval and everything scheduled to get in. 2. Get ahead on school stuff. I have an assignment and about 10 chapters to read, but I am really ready to do it. I actually plan on getting a big portion of it done tomorrow. 3. Get organized. I have a LOT of plans to make financially, scheduling, health plans, blog plans, and other. I'd really like to get a bunch of this started THIS WEEK
What are your plans for the week??


  1. Hey Amy! I wish you well with this week's wishes. School work can be a drag, but I know once you set your mind to it you can do it! Getting organized sounds like a good plan - something I should do too, actually! I hope you succeed in it :)

    Pinja / That September Feeling

  2. YAY!! Stella is coming back!! YAY!! New apartment!! Can't wait to see it!
