Thursday, April 16, 2015

Dream a Little Dream

In the truest of Amy-fashion (because why would anyone sleep at night?) I am wide, WIDE awake.

Besides the obvious (that I should be dreaming right now) I thought it may be about time I took a peak at some of my current dreams. I feel like up until this point in my life it's always been a race for me to get to the next big thing. Do more, be more, learn more, work harder. For once, I don't feel the pressure (from myself)  of having to get my life and myself to a certain point to be considered acceptable... All of my dreams right now seem so small compared to the rest of my little life. 

Not to say that they won't be difficult, because it is incredibly possible (and quite consistent for me) that I will struggle more with the little goals than the big ones.

My little dreams right now
  • Get to a place where every day is not a financial struggle. I have read some post-college/ mid-twenties finance-based articles lately and they left me feeling disheartened. I was hoping that the struggles I face financially were struggles that I wasn't facing alone (and the truth is that I'm not, but these articles were clearly not directed to me). None-the-less I was left with that "why have I spent so much time working so hard when I will never truly be able to get my feet under me feeling". Honestly, I feel like the light is slowly growing, it may be another 10 years before I can see where it is coming from, but slowly but surely it'll be okay.
  • Get the Craft Shoppe kicked off (again)! Jess and I had started a craft shoppe (sort of) about a million ages ago and I'm ready to get back on the train big time. I've spent a lot of my time recently working on a "stock" for the shoppe and I am excited to get it up on it's feet!
  • Master my job. It's been a lot of a struggle for me loving my job the way that I should. I really do have one of the coolest "big kid" jobs (as my family would call it) that exists, and I am definitely one of the only people I know who has enough energy to love on my job and my programs like they need. The struggle for me is that I get so much anxiety about not ever doing it before, not really knowing how to do it, not knowing what to expect, and not wanting to do it wrong the it can be crippling at times so I avoid the task as long as I can. I also have a really hard time letting go of work that I have put so much time and energy into, and of course it is very trying to have to learn to be good at something. I have always been that person who just gets it: I played an instrument, I played 3 sports a year, I kept my grades up and worked every weekend, I have more interests then I know what to do with and when I am met with something that actually challenges me I have 2 reactions that typically go hand-in-hand: I don't want to do it (or I "can't" do it) AND pleaseee let me conquer this!!
  • Find the work- life balance. I am not going to lie when I say that this will forever be something I struggle with. I was raised to be solely focused on work. Growing up I felt like all my dad ever did was work and all my mom ever talked about was how important getting a good education was. Now that I'm older, I appreciate that all of that was what I saw and heard, it is so easy to give up when things get hard but part of my upbringing was that quitting was unacceptable, and now that I have the paper to prove I put the work in and my server apron has been buried in my mind forever, I can fully grasp how much that meant to me. For me, I think a work- life balance means consistently getting my workout in, spending time in God's house and soaking in his love, serving others, eating healthy, reading, and having a little bit of social time each week... some weeks this is easier then others for all of these things as I have an ever-evolving schedule. I do feel like I'm getting there though.
  • Start my next adventure.  Not entirely sure what that is going to be yet, and it may be more of a 3-5 year plan since the 4 above really need to be in a good place first, but as always I feel like I have so many options!
What are your little dreams right now?
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