Saturday, November 15, 2014

Happiness in Organizing

Now don't you for one second think I forgot about my happiness project... I've been too busy being... well, busy... to tell you about it. I've decided my next step is to go through each category of happiness as it hits me, and tell you all about it.

Today, I'd like to tell you about organizing and how it makes me happy. I'm sure you must know by now that I have OCD tendencies. I have to do things a very specific way and sometimes it takes me a while to process the way that works best for me. It makes me feel out of whack when I haven't figured out the most efficient way for me to get things done. It has to become routine. Tonight I am throwing off my new routine by being awake after 11pm. I'll suffer the next few days, but I needed a mental break. Over the past month or so, I have been diligently working on a new routine for myself to make my work and my life easier. It's working but it is still in progress. There has only been a few nights that I have been up past 11pm. I've reorganized my chore list to meet the needs of my new-ever-changing schedule and have been intentional about making time for my family, friends and spending quality time with Stella everyday. I feel leaps and bounds over where I was a month or two ago, and I know that in another month or two it will be even better still.

It's crazy how exhausting it is for me to not have a routine, for me to not have a set plan. Organize, plan, schedule, create a routine. These are some of my favorite things! My life is getting back to routine, (knock on wood) I haven't been sick from exhaustion in a while, I actually get a day off this weekend! Here are some of the ways I've been working on organizing in my life recently:

It is very frustrating for me when it feels like I cannot organize something in a way that can be functional and cute. My bathroom has always made me feel this way. Being a girl does not make this an easy task. Girl stuff is so great but it takes a lot of work to keep it organized and clean (stupid powdered make-up). I am definitely that person who likes to see everything I own and all of my options right in front of my face. I don't want to dig. So I'd rather have a counter full of everything then have to dig for the one thing I actually put away. My solution: clear jars, lots of baskets and a shelf to put them on. I think my bathroom may always be a work in progress but I hope one day I don't walk in there and feel like throwing everything I own out and starting over.

Sometimes I feel like organization projects keep my days happy. At home, I have organizing binders--- recipes, kitchen organizer and meal planner, and home organizer... (I've been working on them forever since my computer is barely functional), but I love the way they are coming along and they absolutely will be up and running for January!

I think I'm finally happy with my kitchen. I am in love with the wooden carry-all crates. You can find them at Michaels, Walmart or JoAnn's. I've spray-painted mine all of my favorite colors and they hold all of the things I hate digging for: Wine, baking needs, Tupperware!!! I want to get a few more because they truly just make life easier and they are so dang cute (especially when they are bright purple). I even use them for my yarn!

I've also been working on my spare bedroom a lot. I think if I can get a full day off. I will have that completely done. There are just a few piles (I hate piles, but I love piles, but I hate piles) of stuff that need to be filed, trashed, or to have a home ASAP. and then I should have a fully functional and adorable guest bedroom/ office/ holiday closet/ craft space.

At work, I have been deemed fixer of the broken... or at least that's what it feels like. I've basically been handed all the (for lack of a better term) crap, and expected to perform a miracle by turning it all into jewels. I'll deserve jewels if I survive it all. I do love it though. I basically get to re-create every program I run. I get to build-up and re-inspire the staff, I get to sift through the years of paperwork, projects, plans, and absurd amounts of construction paper stuffed into project bags never to be seen or used again. The plus side: I will probably not have to buy any basic supplies for any programs for all of next year (excluding crayons and markers--- they get destroyed too quickly). I get to plan fun things, do fun things, and be around awesome people all of the time. It's pretty cool... exhausting but fun most of the time. I have a brand new lead staff who just started and I already love. She has been helping me with the organizing projects that I have been wanting to do but haven't really had time in my day to do. I already have a list for next week!

My next step in organizing is to go full force for the next couple of weeks and finish a bunch of projects. It's looking like I might have Thanksgiving weekend (fingers crossed) free so I will be able to complete a bunch and possibly even start a few more!

My next blog post: Happiness in Cooking... should be up on Sunday!
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