Friday, August 15, 2014

She does exist? I do exist!

I apologize for always being a blog slacker... My life has been its usual hectic self and this week I found myself with the worst head cold/ sinus headache I've ever had in my whole life! After 3 days of being too sick to move, coughing up my lungs every time I took too deep of a breath, going through a box of tissues every six hours, and having a blinding and dizzy headache for days, I am finally starting to feel like a person again
Being so sick reminded me that I need to slow down once in a while and do some things for myself. Both for my health and my mental well being. So here's the new plan my friends...
Once a week I will:
  • Make a crackpot recipe (the chances of this being taco chicken every single week is really high, but at least I'll be full).
  • Go for a run! Tonight I joined a running group. I actually plan on joining 2. I signed up for my next half marathon which will be in October, and I'm ready to start training again. I've been so sick this week that taking Stella out made me tired and had my lungs at the brink. Now that I'm feeling better, I'm dying to get my good shoes out again.
  • Go to hot yoga. Hot yoga does wonders for me mentally and physically. I am going to make one class every week.
  • Try a new group class! I'm not sure if I told you this, but I work at the Y winch means there are so many group classes I don't even know where to start! I'm going to try a new class each week and tell you about it. I'm even going to do Booty Barre and TRX although they cost a little bit of money so it might be a while before I get to those.
  • Read for enjoyment. My eyes have been so tired lately that I have not read anything new. Not a book or a blog or a silly online article. And I need to change that. I have a book on my nightstand I've been wanting to start. This week I will start it.
  • Spend time with Stella. She needs more of my attention and I need to give it to her.
  • Go Green. Once a week I'm going to do a fruits and veggie only day. I may not be able to start the for a couple weeks (because I'm poor) but this is going to happen. My body is craving natural color.
  • Get some sun. Once a week I'm going to sit outside and read or do work or just relax. My body needs the sunshine.
  • Eat something sweet and have a glass of wine. I'm working my way back to healthy, my body cannot handle the junk it used to, but I still crave it badly. Once a week I'm going to give in to the sweets craving, because a little chocolate never killed anyone. And wine? I need wine.
  • And last but not least WRITE. At least once every week I'm going to set aside time to blog. To put my thoughts down for you to see. I need to start doing this again.
Of course I'm feeling better, wide awake, and eating Taco Chicken at 2am on Friday, but hey yanno, you've got to roll with the punches.
Is anybody crazy good at keeping a schedule that meets all of their basic needs?
I don't really need help with time management (maybe sleep management) but more I need help with remembering to make myself a priority. I seem to forget this until I get sick and then all of my friends and family get on my case and I need to refocus my energy away from them and to myself, which is difficult... I can do it, and I know that caring for myself more will allow for me to care for them better. I just need to make it a habit. The habit begins today. Night Night!
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