Monday, April 21, 2014

Summer Pack Time!

I'm obviously crazy, it's only April and why on earth do you need to pack for Summer?? Well, I'll tell you. The first reason you need to pack for summer is because you always need to be prepared for a last minute pool party, night out with the girls or an impromptu patio date with some cute guy you ran into at previously mentioned pool party. The second reason is because almost every awesome thing that happens in the summer is spur of the moment and if you're like me (person who needs to plan for everything), then you need to be prepared always. Also, April in Charlotte= Summer, I got my first sun burn of the season today, that means its time to pack for summer.
My packing for summer is 2 parts: If the heat of the summer could damage anything in packing it stays in my apartment in a bag ready to be grabbed at any moment; If it's safe to leave in the heat it stays in the car.
Heat Safe (you could just live out of your car):
  • Blanket for the grass at the White Water Center... I use a thick one that won't allow wet grass to soak it and can be used to cover me up if it gets cold at night.
  • Beach Towel
  • Extra bathing suit
  • Cheap pair of flip flops (old navy)
  • Change of clothes: for after races, rain, and any other crazy things that could happen.
  • Climbing gear and any other outdoor activity gear that you participate in regularly.
  • A long sleeve t-shirt. I call this my "burn shirt" you need to have something to slip on if you get fried the first half of the day, but have plans to stay the whole day.
  • A sweatshirt in case it actually does get cold.
Not so heat safe (the important stuff):
Most of this stays in my running bag all year anyway
  • Sunblock
  • Face sunblock
  • Chapstick
  • Bug spray
  • Bottled water
  • Extra cash
  • sunglasses
  • A bag of pretzels
  • head phones/ running shoes/ clean running socks/ head band and hair ties
  • Mascara (for that previously mentioned date)
  • A book
The last minute grabs (the obvious):
  • Phone
  • Charger
  • Wallet
  • keys
What are your summer essentials?? Do you keep it packed and ready to go?
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1 comment:

  1. Last summer we did actually bag a summer bag that we left just inside the door, it included a lot of the things you mentioned plus an extra leash, treats, and a special water bottle for the dog. We didn't put a lot in the car- just some extra towels, a blanket, doggy bags and hand sanitizer. It definitely came in handy a few times.
