Friday, March 28, 2014

Early to bed, Early to rise...

Makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.

Is that what going to bed early does for you?!? I was wondering! Last night I was in bed at 9:30 and I let myself sleep until about 8 this morning. Wow do I feel awesome!! That was the first "good" sleep that didn't happen in the middle of the day since I don't even know when.

I was trying to do the same thing tonight, since my weekend (as usual) won't allow for any of that nonsense. But clearly, that happened (it's 1am)

Does anybody else have a really crazy regular schedule?? I almost never feel rested because my days are so wacky (Reasons the server life just isn't for me). On Fridays, I rarely get out until well after midnight. On Sundays, I'm the first server in the restaurant. Some days I'm done by 4, Some days I'm still waiting for a table at 11pm. I'm naturally an early riser, but server life makes me want to stay in bed all day when I can. But it's really just not a healthy schedule.

I'm spoiled on Thursdays, it's "officially" my day off. I still worked lunch today because I need a little extra cash to go away next weekend, and normally I help with catering on Thursdays 💰💰💰. But the rest of the week, I'm dragging.

Ideally, I would get up for that 6:30am hot yoga class everyday, get my run and showering before my lunch shift, finish my chores and be in bed as soon as I get done work at night. HA! Ideal. In my imaginary land... that would be great, getting off so late makes that near impossible... maybe when I finally get that "big girl" job I 've been searching for.

For now, if I make yoga once a week, and run 3 times every week, I'm pretty content with myself for fitting "me" into the week. As for the rest, positive thinking. Good things take time, patience and persistence.


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