Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Getting a Divorce...

... from the snooze button.
I have to do something. This morning I literally snoozed for almost 5 hours. That was with my jawbone UP vibrating with 2 alarms, My phone set with 4 alarms between 5:20 and 6:05 and then waking up just long enough to set 2 more alarms for 9 am, and then still snoozing until almost 11. What the heck?! How is that even possible?? The worst part of this is that I can barely remember resetting my alarms and I definitely don't remember snoozing, the whole morning away.
This means a few things. First, the obvious: My snoozing is out of control. This I not a healthy relationship, and it's time to do something about it. Second, I cannot possibly be sleeping well if I'm so up and down every morning (and this is every morning). Third, I cannot continue this way. There are reasons I set my alarm at certain times: to get to yoga, get up and run, do some chores before work, spend some time with Stella, eat a good breakfast. And I'm missing out on so much of this because I just keep snoozing my life away.
I know that partially, this is because of my schedule. Because I work weird, irregular hours and never make it in to bed at a decent hour. Heck, I just finished eating dinner at midnight on a Tuesday night. So much of it is out of my control. I know I'll be exhausted tomorrow morning for hot yoga, a run, and opening the restaurant before I go invest in new running shoes :) But, I don't want to miss any of that (except possibly work).
So, this divorce, how does it work?? Here's the plan: My clothes for my 6:30am hot yoga class are already laid out, along with the few other things I need for my run. And my work clothes because I'll be in a hurry after the run. And my alarm is set (4 of them) and it will be plugged in on the opposite side of the room (so I'll have to get out of bed to "snooze"). I figure, after my third time jumping out of bed just to press the snooze button, I'll be wide awake. And if not, we're going to come up with another plan.
If this works, I plan on doing it every day. Even the days I get to sleep in a little, because I really need to break this snooze habit. Especially if (fingers crossed) I'll have a normal job one of these days and I actually have to stick to a schedule. I cannot wait for this day, but I want to be prepared for it!
And so I'm divorcing the snooze button.
Have you ever had to divorce the snooze button?
How did you break the habit?
Any hints for me?
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1 comment:

  1. I'm not a morning person by any means, but for some reason when the alarm goes off I jump out of bed. I don't know what is, but it makes life easier that's for sure.
