Thursday, March 6, 2014

You'd think it would be easy... write 10 things you like about yourself... Or at least, I thought it would be when I saw this link-up yesterday...  It's not. Or at least it hasn't been for me. What do I like about myself? What don't I get teased about? Am I a narcissist for trying to do this? No, Amy, it's a healthy exercise, a confidence building exercise, you are supposed to like things about yourself, if you didn't like yourself you'd probably change the things you didn't like or become very depressed.
I'm terrible at taking compliments. I normally just get bright red and shy away from the person doing the complimenting. This is likely a result of having a twin brother and two step brothers who would tease me until I was in tears way too often. Big brothers are horrible, they teased me about everything: make-up, clothes, shoes, afterschool activities, friends, boyfriends, my crazy hair, my size, what I ate, how I ate, everything. And guys wonder why I have confidence issues... Sometimes I want to ask people if they're really giving me a compliment or if they're really good at being sarcastic... that's a terrible way to think, but I just don't believe most compliments and when they come off as over friendly I'm not sure I want to believe them. And now, I'm supposed to compliment myself?!
Okay, I'll try it... It'll be good for me. Here we go.
10 Things I Like About Myself.
1. My eyes. They are hazel, but the color doesn't really change. They are orange on the inside, green on the outside, and brown in between. I also have a really awesome eye freckle (technically termed a "nevus") that sits at 6 o'clock in my right eye. It's funny when people I've known for a while actually look at my eyes long enough (or close enough) to notice it. "You have cool eyes!" "You have a freckle in there, yanno?!" "There's something in your eye!"
2. I'm a silly girl, very often. I know when to be serious, but I don't really like being serious. I have a lot of silly voices (including baby-talk which is more of a really bad habit then a silly voice). I like having 30 second dance parties (thank you Meredith Grey) when I'm stressed out, I talk to my dog a lot (it's not natural), and I laugh a lot (often at myself, but hey that's okay).
Speaking of laughing, this is my absolute favorite thing to do. My friends say that if a guy can just kept me laughing, and let me be in charge that I'll probably marry him. I'm not sure that's true because I'd actually really like a guy who I will relax and not be so high-strung around, but they are pretty close.
3. My blunt honesty. I'm sorry, I actually can't help it. That's how my family shows each other that they care. Snide little remarks that are 100% accurate and way too on cue. Sometimes, it's a bit much but most of the time it just comes off as comic relief.
4. My ability to only see the good in all: people, things, places, companies, everything. This is a curse and a blessing. It makes me a naïve an sometimes incredibly too positive about all situations. But this is something I really like about myself. So many people I come in contact with are the opposite, they see the bad, the negative, the hurt, and think everyone is out to get them; I just don't agree.
5. I love accomplishment. Working hard to achieve something gets me as excited as a family pack of double-stuffed Oreos and a gallon of milk. I don't give up, I push hard, and I try really hard to get better and be better and be more. Sometimes it takes longer then I want it to, but hard work does pay off.
6. I am crafty and creative. I love making things. It's therapeutic. I'm actually thinking about coming up with a new project list now. Michaels is a scary store for my wallet, but I sure like spending time there ;)
7. Planning comes naturally. Most of my friends have really great ideas but no initiative to put them into action, mostly because they don't want to put in the work to make it happen... That makes me the action girl. Birthday parties, showers, family dinners, I naturally take the lead.
8. You'll rarely find me in a bad mood. There's rarely a time that my smile will fade from my face and my positive attitude will drop to the floor. When it happens, it's normally because I'm sick or just completely exhausted, but doesn't last long. Happiness is contagious.
9. I love to bake and cook and feed people. Lot's of people. It's in my blood. I would do it everyday if I could afford it.
10. I believe I can accomplish amazing things. I have lots of passion, so much so that I can not decide where to best put my energy. This year I'm focusing my energy on figuring that out, deciding which direction to go.
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  1. Great list Amy! Love that you are always in a good mood :)

  2. These are great things to love about yourself! I definitely am a planner, too, and organization is so super important to me! Also, I think recognizing that you CAN accomplish amazing things is one of the BEST things to recognize about yourself - it really pushes you forward and gives you the "yes, I CAN" attitude. Amen, sister!

    My list is going up tonight!
